Fresh out of college and everyone is eager to get their hands-on experience in the real world. Manier times, you have been told about how the world is a completely different place than what you experience as a student. It increases your curiosity as you head into the world filled with limitless possibilities.
However, what most of us fail to do is to spend time on resume creation. The zeal and interest you have in your personality should also appear on the paper - especially when the recruiter is reading it for the first time. Here are some of the tips that can help you increase your chances of hiring,
The right structure
When out shopping, you try the dress and see whether it suits your body type before making the final purchase, right?! The intention here is to select the best that creates a lasting impression on the people who see you in it. The same goes with your resume too.
There are tons of resume templates available online for you to refer to. Find the one that resonates well with you and start writing. However, here are some pointers that you need to consider while checking for different structures,
- A header with your phone number and email address.
- The objective regarding your skills and your interests.
- Educational details, mention the most recent first.
- Experience includes all the internships too.
- Skills and achievements are always the cherries on the cake.
Protip: Reaching out to the right person is as crucial as creating the right resume. Find the recruiter or the agency you need with the help of GetEmail.io. This email search engine can answer your question about how to find an email address within no time. Utilize its Linkedin extension to find the desired email address!
The second step
Once you decide on the template, the next step is to figure out what to write in the resume. Ensure that the content is to the point and crisp. While mentioning the education section, write everything that is relevant to the coursework. Consider your GPA and extracurricular activities when writing about college details.
Emphasize your skills and achievements because every role you have undertaken has had a certain kind of responsibility. Being articulate about the responsibilities will fetch you those extra points. Instead of saying that you volunteered at a birthday party, state that you organized fun activities for a group of young children.
The final move
Most of the fresh graduates wouldn't have any experience under their wings and, it is totally okay. Any part-time gigs you've had or any internships you've attended during college - all count as experience. So, do not forget to mention those! And, any achievements you've earned during these endorses your skillset.
One smart trick to follow is to observe the keywords mentioned in any job openings and use them in your resume. It is more likely that the recruiter will only see those keywords and consider you to be the right fit for the position. What goes best with the resume is the cover letter. However, you need to be cautious when writing one because a cover letter is more specific about why you want to apply for the role and why do you want to choose the specific company.
So, it is more tailored yet elaborated with your experience and education. If you don't get through the interview even after following all of these steps Don't worry! Consider these to be the beginning test runs to hone your resume.
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