What is a Certified Implementation Specialist (CIS)? CIS-SM (Certified Information Systems Specialist) is one of the three exams that the ServiceNow experts need to pass to continue their careers. If you are looking for a very lucrative job, a CIS-SM examination is key to make it. This article will explain to you how to become a CIS-SM Certified in 21 days. Reading this information will make you more familiar with what you have to pass in this certification exam so you won't find it so hard after you have passed the exam.
ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist - customer service management exam can help you on your career advancement if you pass the exam. This is one of the three exams required for the CIS-SM designation. If you have already passed the other two exams then this one will not be difficult for you. The basic skills you will need for the CIS-SM exam are how to troubleshoot a Windows server, how to set up and access Microsoft SQL server databases, how to use Microsoft Access database, how to configure application service providers, how to prepare RIS or resource planner scripts, how to create application service providers, how to troubleshoot network issues and how to troubleshoot the problem of connecting to the internet. You must master all these skills to pass the CIS-SM exam.
Qualifying Exam Project Portfolio Management - this is the third exam in the series of Qualifying exams that the ServiceNow experts need to pass to maintain their credibility. To qualify for the CIS-SM exam, you must first prepare yourself with the project portfolio management project. The project portfolio management project helps you in qualifying for the CIS-SM certification. This exam requires you to deploy and configure a small or medium-sized RIS or software as a service (SaaS) platform. This exam tests your command on how to manage project activities in a way that can provide an impact to the users and how to respond to various user calls.
Once you have passed the first two exams, then only one more exam can get you certified as a certified implementation specialist. The remaining exams cover the topics of configuration management and software life cycle. The topics of these subjects are very closely related to each other. When you configure the software as a service platform, you also configure features such as security and scalability and maintenance and deployment processes. All these topics are closely related to each other and when you get certified as a CIS-SM then you can configure and plan for your RIS investments in a single shot. Therefore, it can be said that these exams are a one-stop-shop for ServiceNow CIS-SM Exam Dumps experts to get the certification.
The other aspect of certification programs that helps an aspiring expert in this field is the customer service aspect. In the customer service-oriented field, there is no space for errors. If an error is made in any of the stages, the entire project will suffer. The customer service aspect of a RIS portfolio makes an expert look into the sensitive area of assisting customers in configuring and deploying their software as a service platform and this, in turn, helps them develop skills that can help them in this field. These skills are also used in configuring and deploying different SaaS applications across multiple platforms. The certification path in this discipline trains you on helping the customers in problems arising in the middle of a deployment.
The other subject areas of study that can help you in getting certified as a certified implementation specialist - service now certified implementation specialist - include finance and accounting, project planning and software lifecycle, and supply chain management. You also need to study business law, information systems management, website development, and website marketing. Taking these exams will further help you in your career development as you learn about new software releases from the market and enhance your knowledge and skillset required for your niche. As these exams are based on industry-specific knowledge and application portfolios, you need to pass the exams to be certified.
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